Parelli Savvy Club

Create the Harmony and Connection you’ve always dreamed of with your horse.

“I didn’t want to give up on my horse, or on myself.  I wanted answers… that I could apply myself.  
I didn’t want to send my horse to ‘the’ trainer.  I’d seen what he did to horses and it made me cry.
Parelli came along at the right time and saved my relationship with my horse!

Be Empowered!

You cannot even imagine the resources available to you by being a member of the Savvy Club! There are over 23 years of information from videos, audios, articles, educational materials, Power Points, seminars, live demonstrations, student lessons .
​Its your personal education program but, more importantly, it is also your connection to Pat, Linda and an incredible community of people just like you – passionate about horses, passionate about doing the right thing by your horse, passionate about making a difference.

Join us now: Parelli Savvy Club